Saturday, December 29, 2012


  1. ThePessimisticChemist says:

    Times are getting rougher in this area. My company does a LOT of business overseas, so we are still doing very well, but the blue collar jobs are taking a beating.

    I feel bad when we turn away someone fully qualified for a position, but they wouldn?t want the pay anyways. Most are ex-union and want 25-50% more pay for the same work as people who have never been in a union before.

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    28th December 2012 at 5:11 pm

  2. Hope@ZeroKelvin says:

    What a timely cartoon.

    Since the election, about 75% of my patients have been asking me if I will still be around once Obamacare kicks in over the next few years.

    I say that I don?t know, I just soldier on every day, that I am more worried about the economic collapse of the country, that I?ll hang on as long as I can but I am not optimistic.

    I either get tears of acknowledgement of how screwed we are or looks of blank astonishment.

    At this point, I hand out my little American flag pins (which I tell them to wear upside down indicating a nation in distress) and a little card with all my favorite websites on it, also the names/phones of our CONgresscritters.

    Trying to spread my gospel of Embrace The Doom, one person at a time.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up6?Thumb down0

    28th December 2012 at 5:29 pm

  3. Muck About says:

    Attention llpoh!!

    Paying attention? Listen up and act accordingly. I closed my own ?small business? 3 years ago just to avoid excessive taxes. Fuck ?em. They?ll keep spending any income they get until they get no more. Then they?ll spend more that the Fed gives them (now happening) until that won?t work anymore (maybe 2013).

    Starve the beast. Stop paying taxes. Collect Free Shit from as many sources as you can.

    Break the bastards and let?s start over from a lower baseline..


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    28th December 2012 at 7:17 pm

  4. Administrator says:


    How are you feeling? We haven?t heard from you for a few days.

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    28th December 2012 at 7:21 pm

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