Saturday, April 7, 2012

Price to pay for academic success - Education - EzineMark

Price is what you do or give in order to acquire another thing. Virtually, everything in life has a price, nothing is for free. I what to use this ample opportunities to clearly state that even the air we breathe is not for free. The energy you dissipate to free the system is the price you pay for it (energy). Now I understand the reason David said in 2 Samuel 24:24 "I will not give to my God that which cost me nothing". Success prohibits all forms of bargaining. Price are usually paid completely and in advanced too

I figured out three prices that must be paid in one's quest for academic guru.

They price are:

  • Purchasing of book
  • Attending classes
  • Studying you books

Purchasing of book: researches have shown that the purchase of studying materials such as books is a habit that has been murdered by student these days, instead they spent their money on trivial things such as shoes, cloths etc.

hello, look back and see that good things never go into extinction so, invest you money on that which has unending value "book". Though some students are indigent yet can afford some of their materials. If this is your case, there is an alternative "borrow" borrow from you fallow student but the most important thing is that you go through the borrowed material. Books contain hidden treasures which can never be unveiled to anyone who does not own or borrow them to study. Are you longing to excel academically? What you need is in books, go for it. A laborer without tools and aim at maximizing productivity is only building castle in the air because the designed machinery which in conjunction with man power, is the only thing that can do wonder. Books are likened to machines of high solar capacity. It importance to a student is like that of clay to the potter. So, let's imbibe the habit of spending money on books
Attending classes: In addition to this always attend classes, Class as we all know, is a place where they is usually a direct contact between the teacher and the students. Here, topics are normally drawn from the subject and discussed by the teacher. The importance of this contact must not be eluding us because teachers are our academic priest that presides over academic obscurities. In class many things you can't understand on your own are made simply through, the teacher's explanations. So those who do not attained classes are joking perhaps, they fell they trust themselves. This no doubt, is a sign of pride and will soon breed in destruction. Remember that price is among the most ridiculous of all human foibles. Hence nearly all failure is traceable to this. Though, confidence and faith are abiding in us, they have underlying principles which "attending classes"falls in. the effectiveness of being in class can only be manifested if weapply the principle of effectivelisteningwhich includes:
  • Listen with keen interest
  • Avoid side attraction
  • Do not listen with absent mind

Study your book:It is not enough to buy book's and attend classes, but also to study them with paramount interest. Many of us have chosen to read book's instead of the normal studying of the book. Some don't even read at all. Reading and studying are they different? Yes, they are. The oxford advance leaner's dictionary has it that; reading is looking at and understanding the meaning of a written or printed words or symbols while studying is the acts of considering orexamining something in details. From the definition, reading is just trying to understand a written thing whether fully or partially. This means reading could be recreational or a hobby hence we read newspapers, novels, magazines, toentertainourselves but don't study them

Do not hate your teachers. Abide by these principles and see, it will greatly evaluate you

As I early mention everything in life has a price, nothing is for free. So even educational success is not for free it has a price which you need to pay

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