Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Addicted to Astrology: Aquarius 2013 Yearly Forecast/Horoscope

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

As the year opens, the Sun transits your 12th House of the past, secrets and your untapped creative potential, Aquarius. Additionally, Pluto will also continue its visit of your 12th House. 2013 brings you the ability to tap into your conscious mind and research your own psyche and your reactions to people and places. The 12th House also governs seclusion, isolation and places of confinement. If you got stuck in a rut last year, 2013 promises to change this or perhaps you might decide to delve into your behavior and make the needed changes in how you interact with the public and in private. This is not the time to look to the past and question your previous decisions, Aquarius. What's done is done and there is nothing you can do to change the past!



Pluto (Transformation/slow but powerful change) has been in your 12th House of prestige, career advancement and recognition since 2008. By now, most Aquarius has adjusted to this small but powerful planet in their 12th House. ??Do you tell your secrets to others? This is a time when you learn to own who you are and aim to be the best example possible. Avoid gossip, revealing things you don't want made public and try to focus on facing your worst fears, if you have any. The 12th House also rules isolation and confinement. With Pluto in your 12th House, the idea of psychology and your own untapped potential will be areas that cross your conscious mind and can stir up your dreams. ?You're slowly but surely learning who you can trust in 2013, Aquarius and that includes YOU. This is a time when you confront your shadow side and come to terms with it. It will benefit you to engage in therapy (if you feel the need), self-examination and self-expression. You will gain a greater understanding of human nature and you gain tremendous insight into yourself during this slow but powerful transit. Any work you do in seclusion benefits you during this time and is also a good time for a mind body discipline such as yoga or meditation. You might decide to make some life altering decisions during this transit. You will scrutinize your work, your home life and everything in between. At the end of this transit, you will look back and see that some changes were overdue. Neptune (What is hidden) transits Pisces and your 2nd House of income and personal possessions. This transit can play out in several ways, Aquarius. You will learn your weaknesses and/or strengths as they pertain to your finances and personal possessions during this time. Neptune represents what we can't see clearly, so it's entirely possible that you might not be seeing your finances as they really are. On the flipside, you could gain enormous insight into the way you do spend your money and see where you might have made unwise decisions in the past. Be careful of people promising you an instant return on investments. This is a time to exercise caution when it comes to your income, personal possessions and all matters financial, Aquarius. Some close to you could be keeping finances secret from you or you could be keeping secrets regarding finances to yourself. Uranus (Surprises) continues its visit of your 3rd House of self-expression, siblings and neighbors. You could be taking frequent trips this year and can expect some things you never saw coming in these areas. This is not referred to as the "planet of shock" for no reason. Aquarius will enjoy the spontaneity of this transit, as it promises to bring about your creative expression and communication skills to the forefront. This is an excellent time to express your true self and what you hope to achieve where siblings, neighbors and family members are involved. Aquarius will seek a certain level of freedom and might find they have to travel suddenly and when and where they least expect it during this time. If you have a hobby or something you're passionate about, this is THE TIME to begin working on something you hope to share with others. You might also find that the way you connect with your siblings and family members is filled with unexpected and surprising revelations. Saturn (Lessons/Structures) continues its transit of your 4th House of home, family, motherhood and the past. This is not a good time to move or change homes, Aquarius. You can find that delays occur in your home life, and must be faced with patience. Saturn brings rewards to those who have averted short cuts and teaches lessons to those who have been conscientious. In your 4th House, you will learn how to build and create solid foundations/structures with family members, your home life and where the past and motherhood are involved. Do not resist ANY changes that occur, as resistance will create delays and not bring you the desired results. Make sure you take the time to get solid foundations in your life when it comes to where you live, who you live with and family members. You could find that during this time you are rewarded for the hard work and dedication you have exhibited. It's all about the effort or lack of it that has gone into this area of your life. If you're happy and things are humming along, then you're on the right track, Aquarius. If not, it might be time to go back to square one and begin the process of establishing a solid foundation where your home and family are involved. Jupiter (Prosperity/Expansion) transits the compatible sign of Gemini and your 5th House. You notice movement, luck and expansion through love, passion, children and anything creative. Risk taking will also hold special allure. ?In June, Jupiter enters your 6th House of daily work, health and personal wellness. Expect the emphasis to turn to all things health and work related beginning on June 25th. This will be a time of great expansion in a good way, Aquarius. Jupiter is considered a fortunate planet in Astrology and it is believed to bring luck, prosperity and good fortune to your life. The flipside of Jupiter is that you can be overly optimistic during this time and if you don't take care of your health (at least to some extent), you can't expect to see results. Stay grounded but know that you will experience the most growth and abundance via your love life and with your health. Relationships with co-workers will show great promise during this time and so will your intuition when it comes to your daily work for the second half of 2013. Your best times for love are when Venus travels through your sign or travels through another air sign such as Gemini or Libra. For you, Aquarius, the times listed below are excellent for love and serious relationships in 2013: 2/2 - 2/25: Venus in Aquarius 5/9 - 6/2: Venus in Gemini 8/16 - 9/11: Venus in Libra 2013 shapes up to be a year when your deepest hopes become serious realities and your financial life makes tremendous strides, in a positive way, Aquarius. You can reach for the stars and achieve the unimaginable during 2013!


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