Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Boston Red Sox featured video and audio brought to you by WEEI ...

I hit the IR BI EE ELL. -- lol. Hello I don't -- a fine career and I'm exhausted. Oil and mentally physically. I'm exhausted writer of that so it's only only two -- show well that's it for you I got two things on T going to debate. I -- Tivo I don't even have a Tivo I DVR and -- then yeah Regis does that same team yet it's like saying Q tips they know brandy is the brand names that cotton swabs. Even though I DVR that ever watch the apartment because I I never ever able to believe. In in. In the Chicago Bears why not I just can't I don't know why it's -- It's like -- the Redskins still minister again even in the Redskins Melanie and guess what I'm believe in a little more in the my Minnesota Vikings to a -- eleven could be. And it runs and probably Europe Adrian Peterson yes he's not. The the bears though in this game the lions are due to winning game here and and they're they're really have a area. The underdogs in this what's the spread this and I don't like six or something like that. But. I think they're gonna -- lions and I think Chicago once you do yes well you've been writer than wrong lately. At every game right yesterday except relaunch you're you're like on fire -- joint top of the standings here at WB ER I can contact him but that can -- which eleven out of twelve I did. She's I don't -- what happened. When -- when that eleven out of twelve that's ridiculous. By the way you're lucky and Jerry's. I told you from the start they're probably gonna win ten -- that you elect eulogize him. Well what it's like what's the final blow at the very end of the game. They have that big play that one reform and it would obviously seconds left -- well that's never happened with the Eli Manning of the blowout quarter and that guy he said he's unbelievable he and care in their pressure. So -- of bribes and patriots you know Escude and it is a little bit and got a couple of hours I know people gonna want a call in the and make their complaints about. This that the other they with the patriots -- some of the things of obvious -- said today's some of them said many many times. The fact is that it it took every single break. That they could yet to win next game yesterday. Answer under thrown passes. It to. Penalties that took reversed calls you know calls remain in the field -- changing that they needed it that he single thread. Of good fortune. To pull off a win yesterday at home against the jets ago to four in theory and there's a lot of issues whose team. And let's have you folks out their list you know as good as as well as anybody what the problems are. You know and you can definitely start -- Tom Brady. I mean you can start with -- where is where she's never been the problem. This team. Is clearly. Not functioning as that Tom Brady we've we've come to -- right now I would agree and I -- was dead wrong at the -- comfortably yesterday did you not do that me too and we you and I weren't alone in that respect but is there -- comfortable game for them anymore. Army and obviously got second half of that game was against buffalo buffalo they generally elicited a very uncomfortable team to watch no matter what the halftime lead seems to be -- never seems to be enough. You know 1013 now that they don't have had that ability amount to keep any team down anymore and it's brutal it's very very difficult to. Doesn't mean as anything. In -- negative rear end result can be happening you're jones' team as far as where we don't know yet this team -- seven games in and you don't next time they play they play London disease is half over. Bambi really only seen three. Good performances by the team as a group well eleven and five but still think will -- you -- win it AFC's.

Maybe some other ways children on a question it's that could be the numbers 6177797937. Anybody out there want to talk about John Ferrell you're welcome to do that to I don't know. What is or talk about we kind of know. What he's about where we think we do. It's he's gonna commit with the same you know tomorrow is going to be announced a new Regis well you know it's great franchise -- a lot of being here. We're gonna turn things around we're going to be you know he's gonna say all positive things tomorrow and and he's John Ferrell sororities it's not like the Bobby Valentine thing about a year ago. When authorities kind of freaking out -- with. -- kind of thing is that different personalities and it's always different maybe a step back toward normalcy for the French at least a comfort level the ownership and so on maybe some players world. GM and the GM most notably -- and and by the way if Ferrell fails and maybe GM fails. Know him a little bit of Grayson who got McCoy a year August admiral. No question 617779790. Threesome words -- a riddle this program with phone calls from you. The avid patriots fans and a hard -- listeners of this program. Just end and you can texas' grows or text number still 85850. It is okay for just for a few more days. You know we're gonna move would change -- text number two but it will be awesome trust me. Joseph in New Hampshire starts the program off on this patriots Monday joke. -- Geoff Kendrick just carnage.

Although it didn't really help me a lot. Like that I jump ahead. I think he got the what the -- Out there -- right. Out. I -- it and you know that there in the division in the problem -- No it picked like the Pentagon -- that thing. The property looked at and netbook out what you are all regular -- So we try to build the running game. Where are upbeat. That we get a boat. Without a little depression that.

Let me just I had I differ with that opinion I think a lot of people -- for two reasons -- when -- three -- three. It is no guarantee what's gonna happen down the road as far as injuries -- the way you play your war or fluke he you know was funny bounces of the football. You -- nailed down as many wins you can while begins good and I'm sure Belichick thinks that way. Because there's other things on the table his home field advantage there's by a week's. There's. You know head to head competition that they could match could change your matchups. Are adversely affect your outcome at the end of the season so you know you think Brady's just. Just taken it easy on these guys -- he's he's not meet these missing them.

Britney. Isn't -- a couple player. That becomes a terrible and so I'm Mike when they need to come back at that he'll go. Out. At night back.

Eleven to adhere you know you can rest some guys gives sees you locked up that's different and this isn't like OK -- seven -- Are not not a save those guys there they're. I'm looking long term right now they've probably -- before the season certainly -- approach will going to be more bound to get Ridley back there. And maybe some question marks would be offensive lineman they're not approaching and and it's week to week witness to India I know I'm watching Odyssey Hernandez during the -- It is compact but. -- is democracy human right to me knowledge no heed to ease a step slower than ankle I think that'll have gone on their disease and he's been relatively ineffective for for what we thought he's going to be in the all the money's good parents or. -- the card next planet Mikey show Mike.

Or are you doing I'm no longer but I don't Mikey we sent. Out -- wanted to mention I think that green. Actually. Be -- Equipment tribe at the end game that he'll call. Out -- out there local and Koppel early in the year. It up the west. Well except that you'll be. At at and -- Port aboard a couple of really. -- Brought that about -- a game that it would open. But he can't do it. Because it looked like they were quite great thirteen. You know -- I caught up. Same thing as last McGinley -- it -- beat him outside.

And that and that overtime so the you don't leave the -- the the opportunity. At touchdown when it. Adamant they only got the 43. You know dread that the 43 but within 43. Well of course and I police say a at least get it does does the --

The quick hits and he would -- electric start. But it. That would go up the longest one let it really was art.

I didn't you know I guess I wasn't impressed by really atheists are you know -- yes I was impressed. Slightly impressed that they won the game when it looked like there are gonna go back to their old you know habits -- will -- neck at a game late. So that's a good thing that's posit but I think these guys walk around wow how proud of themselves are you kidding me the opposite is true they always. You know sloppy. Back so I -- drop that pass they got 704. Yard kickoff return now so they came within. So that one play. Of of being humiliated in this situation again and I just dot. I would like to see more dollars from this team on nick of HI tower will working credit them -- and the senator made a few Clinton is still definitely concerns long term and -- the better questions will be picks will be improved by the end of the season isn't there a lot of us to China think they can go to deep with a secondary. We have John in Middletown he's middle Middletown. Connecticut. Rhode Island hi Josh.

As just out two point -- One point and it off and I think the biggest problem -- Josh McDaniels. And play caller I think I feel like you're on the Bartlett Kynan Forney.

I don't know but when I was kind of weird and am so elegant -- a lot of drop plays up the middle for thirty yards and a but I think adopt or without -- political -- don't understand it in the OPEC output. I think there are operating -- little frustrated -- interpreter on their identity. But I tell you what they're going to try hard to work into their identity is Lloyd and and guess what yesterday. Wow not could not -- an NB -- eight times you expect a little better production on somebody -- couple passes.

And defensively I think about that is great linebacker has pretty Inspiron. -- The corners they're not very confident -- they really ought to welcome that won't essential linebackers. And look at undercover linebacker now. Not at all I have.

OK that's good stuff and it's true candidate you write it. It's still is some really honestly goes back to. Some of the same problems -- talk about from. The week before I -- I I'm I'm sure will be talking about those problems again after this Sunday and in London because says Sam Bradford threw ball. Now and because it's being played over in London John does that mean that they're gonna run more place to the left.

I don't know why I've just it's such stupid things six point 77797937. Let's squeeze in another when he before a flash in the bottom of the hour brick Anthony's in the car Anthony.

You're called on good evening sir I don't know what's going on I a couple pouring back country. People at the back LO. Not from McCartney about -- and he was it's a good point not too angry and that's actually huge.

No I think well I think you're right I -- I don't know well I -- A lot of drop it like it in what to call it -- cops -- Out there the other down. Exactly and all the OPEC trying to get up or. -- Went out well but check out.

Oh it is not a lot that we your partner.

Yeah we budget went with a guy at his position you know most people aren't too and his specifically to how. Important he is on each and every play did that Dan Connolly of scrimmage.

Right in the heart to see her really hurt and ugly and outlined her heart oh outlined so when you look like -- have been -- And it is gonna do. On uproar about it yeah yeah -- packed and ready. You can't operate the sport and I -- about -- is that characteristic.

No right right and it's not just to sit there -- key in on Brady -- so he's washed up it's his fault this is that no but you gotta admit that the Tom Brady we've seen through seven games this year. Has had a lot a shaky moments. Ducking away from up from pressure intentional grounding just a little bit jittery compared to the cool calm collected Tom Brady we've come to know.

characteristic that it has every reason to -- and decisive. Factor. A little bit yes. You've been holding a little bit.

Were eaten a couple in the Arctic to the Internet and get back on the -- to understand that. And look at least through injury.

So why did they throw it -- eight times that. -- Well a video game but you'd be. The one for eight you didn't have somebody you can stretch the field and had somebody who who became was -- amended the sum was Brady but yeah -- more on what does not not that rhythm there yet I -- to -- when you're 18 net thrown that guy you're gonna -- tournament what you should anyway -- Earning back our -- Ankle or everybody's all banged up except Welker. -- plenty of players banged up at this point after seven weeks.

Source: http://audio.weei.com/a/65037998/can-mikey-find-a-silver-lining-in-the-patriots-narrow-win-over-the-jets.htm

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