Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stop Living in the Real World - Online Business Tips

Essential Tricks to Getting Your Business Online

As we all know a website is now the only way to succeed in the early 21st century business world.? Without one your enterprise is doomed from the start.? Even some well established businesses have found that they can?t survive without one and in some cases even national governments use them.? If you?ve no web presence these days, some people will just plain refuse to believe in you, even when you?re stood right in front of them jumping up and down shouting ?pinch me, I?m real?.? But are you on Facebook?? Hmm, not that real then.? OK, so sarcasm out of my system, there is some truth in the idea that businesses can?t be without a website.? The main reasons are simply that customers demand them and that they offer a relatively simple way to display your wares to a radically enlarged market.? In the UK, the one area of growth in the economy is that of internet retail.? As each High Street shop implodes, ten virtual shop fronts open up to replace it.? Most of us simply can?t afford to real anymore, at least, not all of the time.

Strong Foundations

While most people today are pretty familiar with the web, building a bit of it is not so familiar.? For businesses new or old, the idea of managing a website is daunting to say the least.? There are numerous things to consider when setting up your website for the first time and one of these, with which you may not be familiar, is the choice of Content Management System.? Content Management Systems (generally known as a CMS) are crucial to building and maintaining a good, manageable website.

The Battle against Attention Deficit Disorder

First things first here, why do you need to manage a website?? Don?t they just sit there generating new business for you?? Not exactly; today, for many complex and tortuous reasons you don?t really need to know, fresh content, and refreshed content, is crucial for your site.? A fairly simple comparison would be with the TV advertising world; any brand you can think of is not using the same advertising as they did thirty years ago (with the possible exception of Hovis).? In fact, advertising is updated at great cost every few weeks, or so it seems.? If those endearing Meerkats aren?t having an exciting and humorous adventure every few weeks, we would all forget to check our insurance comparison sites on a regular basis.? Constant content creation is simply about engaging your short-attention-spanned customers and raising your profile with them.

Dark Magic

In the world of the web there is also another audience to consider ? the search engines.? Again, without getting techie, these beasts don?t just find your site because it?s there.? They use all manner of esoteric dark magic to weed out good and bad websites.? They also have a remarkably annoying habit of changing their goalposts frequently.? Thankfully there is also a whole industry of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts and content producers, who use equally dark magic, to help you create content that gets the attention of these overlords of the World Wide Web.

Untangled Webs

Good content management systems are the types of product which hold a clue in their name.? They enable anybody, even those with the most modest computer knowledge, to manage the content of a site.? The words, pictures and noises that your site makes are the important bits.? If you?re not a web designer it?s advisable to use a firm that can create the basic templates for your site.? With this constructed and the right CMS in place, you can then get to work on the actual content itself, without the need for extensive (or any) knowledge of nasty sounding things like HTML.? It?s normally helpful here to have some SEO input, but with a CMS you can create, change and update content without any major hassle.? This means that you are not tied to failing content but can produce (or procure) new, effective content and get it in place quickly.

Doing do what you Do Best

For businesses owners with less IT experience, CMS allows you to create a site easily, using your own knowledge and expertise of your industry and then translate that into a sound, effective and attractive website.? Web based content management systems allow you to access the administrative functions of your site from any PC with an internet connection, meaning you can create and modify content as and when and where you need to.? Ultimately the content of your website is what will determine its success or failure and by constructing your site on a sound basis, you?ll have the power to manage that content to its full potential.

Content Management Systems?allow those new to the wonderfully worrying world of the web to build and manage an effective web site.? Allowing you to create your own site and manage it without the need for in-depth knowledge of IT, a CMS leaves you free to concentrate on what you know best.

Bidiwala Mohammed

About the author

Mohammed Bidiwala wrote 42 articles on this blog.

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