Friday, August 10, 2012

Make The Most Out of Business Travel | TripButler Blog

Many people wonder; Why spend money on business travel when technology gives us different options without having to leave the office? It is evident that technology has been the biggest factor that has affected the business; many companies have chosen to use videoconferencing to save money.

Despite this, the business travel continue to provide many opportunities for different companies, many still think they are a fantastic option to create contacts and close deals. About 60% of daily trips belong to corporate business.

One of the aspects that can be exploited during a business trip is the ?networking?, the face to face communications has several advantages. You can easily break the ice and encouraging an environment of trust, also you will be able to appreciate the other members of the meeting, which for a videoconference is almost impossible to achieve.

Here we have some tips for you:

  • It is very important to know the travel rules of the corporation, determine the costs that the company will cover like the category of hotels, etc.. This will serve to control the management of travel and get good savings.
  • Travel agencies are an excellent tool. To associate with one of them will help you to find the best prices on different packages also they provide assistance in the preparations of expense reports.
  • If you want your trip to be successful, they key is to have clear goals. ?Business opportunities can be found only if you travel with the idea of finding them.?
  • Once you have established your contacts you must ?cultivate.? Maintain a continuous contact, at least seven times a year. You never know who may have the key to your success or future projects.
  • Do not fill your agenda too much. Keep some flexibility for potential opportunities or problems that you may have. An unexpected lunch invitation can be used to close a business, the idea is ?to accept it without compromising the next appointment.
  • Do not forget to check the days and hours working in other countries. For example, in the Arab countries they do not work on Fridays, but they do on Sundays.


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