Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Methods Of Control ? Mass Media - News and Society

Mass media is the psychological tool in the arsenal of control. Used at large by government special interest groups and corporations, Mass Media has the ability to shape lives, instill beliefs and propagate disinformation and fear.

Mass Media is a relentless psychological way of brainwashing that no person can escape from over time. Mass Media, although it has the ability to shape lives in a positive fashion unfortunately, this has not been its sole purpose. By manipulating what people watch, their very belief system can be changed. Given enough time somebody can be persuaded that the sky is purple if that?s what the Media programmers want.

State uses Mass Media as a tool of indoctrination and firms use it to sell you stuff you don?t need to get more money out of you. Mass Media nonetheless is most perilous to our children as their minds are young and it is easy to manifest in them intense desires for substantial things programming them for the greediness culture and by utilizing youngsters to galvanize their mother and father to buy.

Kids should never watch Media unmonitored and in no eventuatity should there be a television in the bedroom of our children. Remove television from the house and away from your kids and just watch the change in their lives. Mass Media today puts out many messages including the ones that follow:

  • The state is good and can be trusted (as you don?t know whats good for you (the state does though)
  • The world is chock-full of terrorists all desiring to attack us for no real reason (One mans terrorist is another mans patriot)
  • Black folks are bad and are mostly law breakers (no insult to black folks meant as this is absolutely fake as there are good and bad in all races)
  • Crime is spiralling out of control (even though statistics prove crime in all areas is down)
  • Shield yourself from all the criminal wrongdoers that are going to mug you and break into your home (never lock my door and never been robbed or broken into)
  • Work conscientiously for little cash (No chance to generate wealth)
  • Spend all your coin (So long as you have debt you will never be free)
  • Don?t pose questions (Never doubt authority)
  • Shut up and do what you are told (The state doesn?t care what you need)
  • Our society is just and fair to all (Not if we are poor though)
  • Cash is good (If you have got any that is, most of us don?t)
  • Go to college (So that you can be programmed properly)
  • Always trust the police (Yeh they never lie right)
  • No man is above the law (unless you are truly well off)
  • Violent crime always in the news (keep you frightened and watching)
  • Calamities and natural events (what would you do if the state was not there to help you)

A first step in changing your life and reducing the results of political and big business propaganda is by removing yourself from the boob tube. Disassociate yourself from media generally. Media takes away your liberty to choose and corrupts your implicit sense of ethics and propriety as 90 percent of what you hear and see in media is false.

? You aid an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Loyalty to it implies partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with their whole soul .?

Mahatma Gandhi.

This writer has many interests? Shouting out about the injustice that?s our modern society. No more control of the people by state and company greediness. Now is the time for change.

Source: http://www.gongyifair.org/methods-of-control-mass-media.html

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